Try Baleen for free
We've made Fannie Mae's Income Calculator easier than ever by automating data transcription.
Enjoy your first three analyses on us and start getting rep and warrant relief for your self-employed pipeline.
Here's how it works:
1 / Convert tax pdfs into cash flow analyses
Baleen securely converts uploaded tax returns into data in seconds and displays cash flows for easy review. If you are not delivering the loan to Fannie Mae, Baleen still provides cash flow analysis and standardized reporting for the loan file.
2 / Export data file
As a Fannie Mae approved Technology Service Provider, rest assured that data aligns with Fannie Mae requirements, including splitting cash flows by filer and by business entity.
3 / Import into Fannie Mae Income Calculator
Easily import data files directly into Fannie Mae's Income Calculator and save hours of manual transcription.
When you use Income Calculator, Fannie Mae offers relief from representations and warranties on the income calculation, see the Fannie Mae Selling Guide for full details.